Saturday, April 18, 2009

my 3rd sem officially comes to an end...


this semester was pretty intense in terms of subjects, assignments, and final exam...
Phewwww, luckily it was over
this semester somehow ,doesn't really left a huge impact on me which is quite pathetic and sad because we suppose to enjoy every semester as new challenges enbarks...Just hope that the following semester will be much more enjoyable...

this is my first post since the last 2 weeks which is been busy with finals and assignments which is very random for every college students...

Anyway, I still manage to sneak some time for my indulgenc in entertainment which is watching HORROR movie..(this might some psycho but I LOVE IT). I watch MY BLOODY VALENTINE and it scared the hell out of me. Constantly frightening pleasure is not really a good thing actually...BUT it quite enjoyable, for me...haha...

Besides, the last day before the end of my final...head to pyramid AGAIN with chin yong and cheng yi (chin yong's friend from CHINA) to watch FRIDAY THE 13TH...
For god sake, this is even worst...JASON is the ultimate slasher of all times with that signature mask which haunt me when I first watch when I was still young...That movie was fill with GORE, SUSPENCE, THRILL AND NON STOP KILLING SPREE...Anyway, still enjoy it...haha. The following is my conversion with chin yong :

Chin yong: So, how was the movie?
Ben: WHoah, I tell u ar...if the movie were to show in 3D ar, I will seriously faint man
Chin yong: hahaha...
Ben: Seriously, I almost wanna ask my mum to book a reservation for me in TANJUNG RAMBUTAN..cuz I will go NUTS...haha

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