Wednesday, March 25, 2009
TOTALLY F*^%$K UP.....
they are tonnes of things need to be completed...
luckily all were almost done...(never doubt my efficiency :p)
then the following was test, quiz, mid term. Basically just everything...
There is something even more F*&%#K UP thing just happened to me today...
by the time I realize the absence of my pen drive is already way to late...
My Microsoft Access assignment and Accounting research work was all inside...Damn....luckily I did save my draft copy in my PC...How pathetic am I...
It's 3.50 am in the morning and I'm still blogging . I can't even have a peaceful sleep due my PEN DRIVE....I hope it still there...if not....I'll be totally DOOMED...Not really actually, this week pending assignment were mostly done...YAY...
finally got a copy of Ayumi Hamasaki's latest single 'RULE/SPARKLE'
the MV is absolutely breath taking...Irreplaceable Empress of J-Pop...
that's it...
Sunday, March 22, 2009
todays seems to be dreadful...
not very productive throughout the day...
revise some subject and I was literally bored to death...
went to dinner at SUN & SURF Cafe at Sunway Hotel...
too bad they were serving Indonesian cuisine...the food was not bad afterall...
head home straight after dinner...
planned to watch a Oscar nominated movie DVD (Letters From Iwo Jima) which I bought few days ago which directed by Clint Eastwood and starring Ken Watanabe and Ninomiya Kazunari...
this is the show where ninomiya kazunari became the first person from Johnny's & Associates (his agency) to debut in Hollywood movie and his role were well received by the critics...
too bad I didn't watch at all after several consideration...don't know why...
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
i plan to cancelled the movie session today due to the massive amount of humans especially MALAYS gathering in pyramid cinema level...which i have totally no idea of it...
I still queue up for my ticket...Yes, I'm watching alone...chin yong couldn't make it...that's fine...I ignore the crowd and wait patiently until I noticed the screen that view the showtime...3.30pm sign is blinking and showing FEW which indicate almost selling off for that time...Arghh, lagi no mood and yet praying for its availability...Lucky me...left around 4 more seats...
the cinema was packed with HUMANS and freakin' noisy...Those dumb MALAYS (i bet is secondary school students since they were having one week holiday) are laughing like mad cow, talking as if the cinema was owned by them...Felt like thrown some serious profanities on them...Damn, my mood was totally ruined...
However, despite all the influences, awesomeness of the whole movie cheers me's GREATNESS, justin chatwin's COOLNESS, emmy rossum's GORGEOUSNESS...Most of all, my J-POP QUEEN Ayumi Hamasaki's song "RULE" was featured in awesomeness...who cares all those idiots after all...
I will watch it again since I can't get enough of it...( Those who think this movie is a total waste of time and assume that I must be total idiot to watch twice can seriously back off...)...
that's all for today...* more thing...Kinokuniya just contacted me VIA SMS that my NewS and Arashi's calendar has arrived...Still figuring when and how to go collect, perhaps ktm again...darn, i hate that...)
Monday, March 16, 2009
relaxation is what i need nowadays...JUSTIN CHATWIN IS FAR BETTER THAN ??
i kena caught sleeping at class by my friends (liya and ai) during account class....not to say i'm not paying attention, is just that my mind are being tortured by the disastrous american government test which I going to sit later...
the long awaited moment finally arrive...I headed straight for my test right after my MIS 107 class...btw, i'm friggin starving at that moment...I can feel the tension when I reach the classroom...Everyones expression are moody ...I really hope I manage to answer fluently for the test since I've put so much effort on it...Suprisingly, it was apparently better than the first one, which is a relief for me...
after test, I waited for SHU WAN (aka DUCK) to finish her test and we headed to snowflake to feed our stomach...At first, she already had the intention to go snowflake but she afraid that I might not like it since last week we've been VISITING it for quite some time...However, she never expect that I'm the one who eventually suggest that place...haha...We burst into laughter when we on the way to Snowflake...
I ordered the fried cruller with soy milk ( in chinese-dou jiang you tiao)...I was skeptical at first regarding whether I should order it or not...But I give it a try and it turn out to be not bad...haha...Besides, I also order the tau fu fah with the yamball thingy...( i heart it... :p). I belanja SHU WAN the usual wan it many ingredient on it...(hard to describe, let the pictures do the talking...)
we chit chat for about half an hour and we headed my parents are back from their business trip...As usual, I never expect them to brought any souvenir back...that's fine with me...Since they were back, my freedom level will return to its normal level... :(
next week will be a busy week...tutorial, test, assignment all cramp at next week, isn't there any room for me take a breathe and step out from my hectic life for a second...? Seriously, relax is what I need...By the way, will be pampering myself to watch DRAGONBALL EVOLUTION this wednesday with chin yong after class, I'm not going get influence by those HUMANS who have been criticizing the its fakeness, unoriginality ...
Lastly, I would like to make a controversial statement here...JUSTIN CHATWIN who played GOKU in DRAGONBALL EVOLUTION is seriously BETTER LOOKING than ROBERT PATTINSON who played Edward Cullon in TWILIGHT....( DON'T HATE ME FOR SAYING SUCH STATEMENT, IF U DO, JUST LEAVE..SERIOUSLY)

Recent purchase of my J-POP collection...
Arashi is ALIVE!! photobook and Ohno Satoshi photobook..too bad no ninomiya kazunari..
Dear Father DVD ...ninomiya kazunari won award for this drama...
This is fu*king rare...arashi's 1999-2001 single collection (*this item is already out of print)
booklet from the arashi single collection CD
Ayumi Hamasaki's INSPIRE single
Some of Kinki Kids's old album...rare too...
Saturday, March 14, 2009
5 Nekad Gathering 2009..
BENNY *MICHELLE (Nice shot...)
SEXY SWEE & SOO LEE (busy chamwhore)
Gosh, YING ...your smile is too.....??
SOO LEE * JOLENE...(thanks my camera phone for such nice shoot)
BEN * RASHMITRA *VIVIEN...( Theys looks prettier since the last time I saw time)
BEN * SOO LEE ( Shall take more picture with her...since we seldom meet)
that's the picture that we snapped during our gathering in pn sasni house..Didn't manage to take photo with others...Haiz, shall *steal* the group picture from FACEBOOK....
Friday, March 13, 2009
Friday the 13th...auspicious day?? -.-
My parents are off to ShenZhen for a couple of days so I'm quite free these few days but that doesn't mean that I will rebel and fool around although I wanted too...Too bad, I'm a mummy boy so I would die rather than going against my parents (* I only go against if I don't agree with them, reasonable right?)
Finally, account 3 mid term is over and MIS assignment also handed in. Relief...
But still, my worst nightmare are about to haunt me in few more days. The creepy yet cell damanging AMERICAN GOVERNMENT mid term are on it ways...Damn...Nvm, GANBATTE for it...
Today, actually planned to watch DRAGONBALL EVOLUTION at pyramid but due to certain reasons, I pushed it till tomorrow...During evening, me and Eric head to SUMMIT for a walk. On the way reaching SUMMIT, we saw this huge banner regarding about the POPULAR BOOK STORE stock clearance where discount up to 90% ....At first, it did not caught our attention and yet we criticized it for no reason to have stock clearance since it yet to reach year end...Weird though...
However, since we were there, we decided to have a look and see perhaps there are something suitable for us...This is the time where me and Chin Yong go nuts, there are TONS of CDs on sales...The most important of all is that almost each items are 90% off....We searched for J-POP stuff for about almost 40 minutes and fill up basket till the fullest....Damn, I'm a CD psycho freak!!! I can't help myself, just like ladies couldn't help themselves on clothes and shoes right??....
I Sorted all the possible CDs that I wanted and here come my list
*Arashi's Single Collection 1999-2001 (Album) - $46
*Kinki Kids's D (Album) -$45.5
*Kinki Kids's H (Album) -$50.5
*Ayumi Hamasaki's INSPIRE (single) -$46.5
*BoA's My Name (Album) -$50
*Namie Amuro's So Crazy Tour DVD -$105.5
*Namie Amuro's Can't Sleep, Can't Eat, I'm Sick (single) -$45.5
*Namie Amuro's 181920 Compilation (Album) -$85.5
Total without the discount is $465 ->After discount the total is $70++
I'm overwhelmed when I come across the existence of Arashi's CD, I feel like screaming..
but too bad there is that stupid partially incomplete yet ugly government sticker stick on the booklet and there a minor crack behind the casing...too bad...However, it still a GEM for me..
Eric only manage to purchased Winds's Ageha ($50.5) and BoA's Girls On Top ($46)
He only pay for approximate $26 for BOTH...
Actually, by right we might not have get our hand on this CD because we don't possesed a membership card. Today is the membership day where the member can enjoy the HUGE discount... When we queing in the line, we are informed that discount are applicable with the card. At this critical moment, the uncle behind was kind enough to pass his membership card to the cashier and help us out. We are blessed ... :O
There are many more items that I couldn't get my hand on it...Tmr , i shall try my luck again...hehe
Will post picture of all my recent purchase my J-POP stuff...
Friday, March 6, 2009
I've been wondering around in Pyramid for about 1 hour plus and I seriously can't withstand the boredom of walking around with no direction or any desired destination...Damn it...Pyramid is hell, sick of it...Why people can hang around in Pyramid frequently...
Suprisingly, the totally taxi fees that I paid from INTI to pyramid and from Pyramid back home was a small amount of charges...Unbelievable, it cost me a total of RM6 which is freaking cheap...I have my way...haha...*secret*
By the time I reach home, absolutely exausting...treat myself by tune the tv program to CHANNEL V...OH MY GOD, I cannot belive that V-TUNES are airing Asia music which comprise an hour of music from korean and japan...I managed to watch BoA's Kissing You, Girl Generation's GEE, Ai Otsuka's CHU LIP, EXILE's Ti AMO, SHINee's Amigo and Arashi's Beautiful Days.....I'm so thrilled to watch Arashi PV on the TV for the 1st time....Damn...
Some screen shot I took from my TV -.- (due to the fact that I'm over excited)
matsumoto jun
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
A series of unfortunate events...
It seems that laziness begin to grow on my brain cells...I can't believe myself would rather skip class today just head back home and take a rest from my studies, which is so not me. I never ever miss a class since semester 1...I would definitely feel guilty I was to to such thing...
But somehow I break my rules barrier and make the worst decision ever on skipping my American Government lesson. I wasn't thinking that much about what chapter or important notes I'm going to miss REST and RELAX is the word that apparently appear in my mind during that time...
On the way reaching home, I received call from Choy Hui and she informed me there is an in class assignment are going on ...Such intimidating information from her is simply unacceptable by myself...WHY out of all sudden, WHY it has to be today, WHY today i PONTENg due to personal laziness...Too many question yet to be answer by myself...
At first, I was rather LAZY again to head back to INTI...But I realize my conscience and decided to rush back...For god sake, I almost sprain my leg on the way back. Besides, sun blazed on my body are making me even more hot-tempered...By the time I reach class, everyone was busy doing the assignment...Certain student switches their focus towards their work and stare at me...Although Choy Hui already helping me do a copy of the assignment but I still prefer to complete it myself...Thanks Choy Hui..seriously....
This serves me a lesson never ever try to skip class under any circumstances...Unless its urgent (duh...-.-)
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
My dear friend, Xing Ning's wedding...
After all the emo statements above, let's have a look at the picture of Ning's wedding dinner... poccupine hair makes me looks taller than Hock buddy since form 1...
JIAT YEEN with her best best best friend 4ever, right? purple n pink, perfect combo..!!
big round of applause and welcome MUSHROOM...frenz like since we were kid...right?
SEXYYYYYY SWEE....ur dress reminds me MELANIE ...haha
my 'kai mui'...MICHELLE...(* Jeremy, dun mind?) haha, kidding though