michelle, her bf (jeremy), swee, sheen and chii min were there for me...really appreciate your presence on that day..!!! Although the amount of ppl this year were significant lesser compare to last year but never mind..
problems occured when deciding where to dined..went to wong kok restourant eventually...food not bad though!!
after that, all left except sheen. We did not went back 1st so we shop a while...gossipping, chatting, crapping, laughing until mouth swollen are basically what we did !!! When I enter the GUESS boutique, sheen tried out some of the heels there and she almost same height as me!!! ><'' went to coffee bean to buy the honey stick!!..forgot to take pic..!! at last, we rest at papparich restaurant and chatted for almost 2 hours.. we shared our thought, stories, problems and so on...feel relax after talking to her for such long hour...really 100000% my best friend 4ever!!! and also really must thanks her for accompany me thoughout the day...
regarding your(Sheen) parents unable to fetch me along , it's ok!!
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