Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I should have make this post since last 2 weeks but I terlupa... =.=

Me and Eric went to K.L to chill after a long weekend of working...

We dropped by Time Square and walk around...Seriously, TIMES SQUARE are full with shops and the crowds are just crazy...Since year end is around the corner, so basically everywhere is having sales ... We, as a consumer must spend to stimulate the economy... :)

Since Eric needs to search for some formal attire, so we were wondering around surveying for prices... He also said that no matter what also must at least buy something.. =.=

The annoying part is that almost every store like the song 'POKER FACE' because we've been hearing that from store to store...I do like Lady Gaga but constantly listening to it will seriously makes me go GAGA!!! =.=

Our initial intention to TIMES SQUARE was to watch '2012' but looking at the long queue , we screwed the plan... Later on, we treat ourself with SUSHI KING and we head straight to Sungei Wang!!

Again...the ' unstoppable' crowd !!!!!!

Went to record store to look for my SUPER JUNIOR HAPPY mini album but it sold off already..

Then I saw a Girls' Generation's custom made glass cup up for sale (RM22), I wanted to buy it but Eric is way to expensive just for a cup...Haiz...Besides, I also saw Super Junior's glass cup...But all priced at RM22...Damn it!!!

Later we went store to store again to shop for clothes...Some are suprisingly quite nice in design and the price are reasonable...(* I used to say sungei wang are for SEAFOOD but now I'm liking the stuff there, LESSON LEARNED!!!)

We did managed to buy a T-Shirt where 2 for RM15..both of us buy one!!!

Forgot to take picture for it... =.=

We hangout until 7 something and take rapid K.L balik Subang...luckily i spotted the rapid KL which can lead us back instead of taking the KTM... :)

well..pretty much that's all...

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